
Wheat farming

To Save the wheat and barley crop from Chepa (Al)

To Save the wheat and barley crop from Chepa (Al)

The Haryana Agriculture Department has issued necessary information related to the Chepa insect in wheat and barley crops. The children and adult leaves of this insect make the plants very weak by sucking juice. At the same time, its development reflects. Wheat and barley crops are most performed by the farmers of India. Because, both these crops are large -scale whole grain crops worldwide.

Wheat and barley are cultivated in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir. Farmers do various types of tasks to achieve great production from their crops. If seen, wheat and barley crops are very prone to various types of diseases and insects. In reality, the attack of Chepa (Al) has been seen more in wheat and barley. Chepa can completely eliminate the crop.

Procedure to protect wheat and barley crop from Chepa (Al)

By the attack of chepa ( al ) on wheat and barley crops , the children and adults  of this insect  sucks the juice from the leaves and make the plants weak .To control it, mix malathion 50 ml E.C. in 200 litres of water and spray it on the crop per acre. Farmers can also contact their nearest Agriculture Department officials to keep their crop safe from this insect.

Also read: Major Ratua disease in wheat crop

What do you understand about Chepa (Al) and what is it?

Chepa is a type of insect, which directly invades wheat and barley crops. If this insect is applied to the plant once, it sucks the plant juice  and weakens it much more. Because of this, the plant does not grow properly.

Most of the Chepa insect crop is seen in the middle of November to February. This insect first engulfs the most delicate and weak parts of the crop. Then gradually spreads inside the entire crop. Chepa insect is seen as a mosquito, it is like yellow, brown or black coloured worms in appearance.

Farmers should protect their wheat crops from these diseases

Farmers should protect their wheat crops from these diseases

Due to seasonal changes, pests and diseases affecting the standing wheat crop can cause a lot of trouble. Farmers should deal with it by taking the right steps at an appropriate time otherwise the entire crop may go to waste.


Presently wheat crop is grown in the fields. Continuous changes are being seen in the weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes cold wave continues to wreak havoc, hence due to changes in weather, pests and diseases affecting the standing wheat crop can cause a lot of problems. Farmer brothers should deal with it by taking the right steps on time otherwise the entire crop may go to waste. There is not just one type of disease in wheat but different types of diseases. Farmers are advised to maintain and monitor their crops regularly.


Mahu or Lahi

Mahu or Lahi insects are black, green, and brown with wings and wingless. Its infants and adults suck the juice from leaves, flowers, and earrings. Due to this, there is huge damage to the crop and the crop gets ruined. Let us tell you about the advice given by scientists to save the crop from the attack of this insect.


Also read: Know how to cultivate yellow mustard?


Sow the crop on time.

Do not use insecticides if the number of ladybird wasps is sufficient.

Apply a yellow noose or sticky substance on a yellow tin sheet and make it stand in the field with the support of wood. Flying Lahi will stick to it.

Spray 50 grams of Thiomethoxam 25 percent WG per hectare or Quinalphos 25 percent EC in 2 ml per liter of water.

Harda disease

According to scientists, the possibility of attack and spread of this disease increases due to drop in atmospheric temperature after rain in this season. Brown and yellow spots are found on the leaves and stems of wheat plants. Preventive measures should be taken as soon as the environment becomes favorable for this disease.


Select disease-resistant varieties at the time of sowing.

Before sowing, seed treatment should be done with 2 grams of Carbendazim 50 percent soluble powder or 5 grams of organic fungicide per kilogram of seeds.


Also read: Mustard crop diseases and their prevention measures


As soon as a suitable environment for the fungus is created in the standing crop, spray 2 kg of Mancozeb 75 percent soluble powder, 500 ml of Propiconazole 25 percent EC per hectare, or 1 ml of Tebuconazole EC per liter of water.


Alternaria Blight

Due to Alternaria blight disease, spots are formed on the leaves, which later turn yellow and scorch the edges. To control this disease, spray 2 kg of Macozeb 75 percent soluble powder or 2 kg of Geneve 75 percent soluble powder per hectare.


Kidney disease

In Kalika disease, the black dust of fungus fills the ears in place of the grains. Even a healthy ear gets infected due to fungal spores falling in the air. This is a seed-borne disease. Farmer brothers should keep these things in mind to prevent this disease.


Also read: Farmers producing wheat must be aware of these diseases.


Sow disease-free seeds.

-Sow the seeds after treating them with Carbendizing 50 soluble powder at the rate of 2 grams per kilogram.

-Carefully cover the infested ear along with the grain with a plastic bag and destroy it after cutting.

-Do not use diseased farm produce as seeds.

The Bihar government has set up a 24-hour call center for the convenience of farmers. Here farmers can get solutions to their problems by contacting toll-free number 15545 or 18003456268.

Detailed information on crucial aspects of wheat cultivation.

Detailed information on crucial aspects of wheat cultivation.

Wheat is sown beginning from October. Wheat farming may be profitable if all aspects of the process, from seeding to harvesting, are done correctly.

As we all know, the Kharif season is currently underway. After harvesting this season's crops, farmers will begin seeding Rabi season crops. Wheat is one of the key Rabi crops, therefore farmers may increase productivity by keeping a few things in mind. India has achieved significant progress in wheat production during the previous four decades. Wheat output has climbed from 12.26 million tonnes in 1964-65 to a record high of 107.18 million tonnes in 2019-20. To ensure food and nutritional security for India's population, wheat output and productivity must be increased on a constant basis. India's population is expected to reach 1.4 billion by 2025.The predicted demand for wheat by 2025 is roughly 117 million tonnes. To attain this aim, new technologies will need to be created. Testing novel kinds with high fertility can help attain optimum output capacity.

Major Wheat producing states in India

For your reference, the northern Ganga-Indus plains are India's most fertile and high-producing wheat areas. In reality, the largest wheat-producing states in this region include Delhi, Rajasthan (save for the Kota and Udaipur divisions), Western Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand's Terai region, Jammu and Kathua districts of Jammu and Kashmir, and Una district of Himachal Pradesh. Ponta valley is included. Wheat is grown on over 12.33 million hectares of land in this area. Wheat production amounts to around 57.83 million tonnes.The average wheat production in this area is 44.50 quintals per hectare. At the same time, by implementing the recommended wheat technologies in front-line wheat demonstrations held on farmers' fields, a yield of 51.85 quintal/hectare may be reached. In recent years, superior wheat cultivars HD 3086 and HD 2967 have been seeded extensively in this area. However, to replace these types, high-production and disease-resistant cultivars such as DBW 187, DBW 222, and HD 3226 have been widely promoted.

Also read: How farmers may increase wheat yields by managing the crop properly.

Use these HYV seeds for high yield

The selection of varieties is a crucial choice in wheat agriculture since it determines how much will be produced. New disease-resistant cultivars with great production capacity should constantly be chosen. For irrigated and timely planting, use DBW 303, WH 1270, and PBW 723; for irrigated and late sowing, use DBW 173, DBW 71, PBW 771, WH 1124, DBW 90, and HD 3059. At the same time, the HD 3298 cultivar has been found for seeding across longer distances. The WH 1142 cultivar may be used for restricted irrigation and timely seeding. Sowing timing, seed rate, and the proper amount of fertiliser. Using cow dung manure at the rate of 4-6 tonnes/acre during field preparation 15-20 days before planting wheat enhances the fertiliser power of the soil.

Sowing is done with zero tillage and turbo happy seeder.

In the paddy-wheat cropping system, planting wheat with zero tillage is a practical and useful practice. After paddy harvesting, wheat is seeded without ploughing using a zero till drill machine, taking use of the land's stored moisture. Where paddy is harvested late. This machine is proven to be really useful there. This gadget is quite beneficial even in water-logged locations. This is the most effective and efficient technique of managing paddy crop residues. This type of wheat planting produces an equivalent or greater yield than traditional sowing while also preventing crop fall.By retaining crop leftovers on the surface, moisture is kept in the root zone of the plants for a longer period of time, thus temperature increases have no negative effect on production and weeds are decreased. Irrigation management is crucial in wheat agriculture.

The need for proper irrigation for wheat cultivation.

Let us tell you that a wheat crop takes five to six irrigations to get maximum productivity. Irrigation should be done based on water availability, soil type, and plant demands. The wheat crop's life cycle is divided into three stages: adventitious roots (21 days), initial node formation (65 days), and grain production (85 days), all of which require watering. If there is enough water for irrigation, the first irrigation should be done on the 21st day, followed by five irrigations spaced 20 days apart. New irrigation systems, such as the sprinkler or drip method, are also particularly effective for wheat farming.

They have been used in poorly irrigated locations for quite some time. However, even in water-rich places, water may be saved by using these methods. It is also possible to obtain good productivity. The Central and State governments also offer funds in the form of subsidies for these irrigation systems. Farmer brothers should use these systems to fulfil their national responsibility for irrigation water management.

 In this Rabi season, farmers can earn a good income from black wheat cultivation.

In this Rabi season, farmers can earn a good income from black wheat cultivation.

As we all know, the month of October will start after a few days. The sowing of Rabi crops starts in October. In such a situation, if you are a farmer then this is important news for you. Today we are telling you about sowing of such wheat crop, in which you will earn four times more profit at less cost.

India is called an agricultural country because 70% are farmers here. Different types of crops are grown in different parts of India. New experiments are being carried out from time to time to ensure better production of crops and increase the income of farmers, due to which farmers are adopting new varieties of farming. The time for harvesting Kharif crops has arrived. Now farmers have started preparing for the Rabi crop. In such a situation, today we are telling you about the sowing of black wheat in the Rabi crop, in which farmers will earn more profit at less expense.

Specialty of black wheat cultivation

If you are a farmer and want to sow such crops that yield more profits at less cost. In such a situation, you should cultivate black wheat in the Rabi season i.e. October-November. The specialty of this farming is that its cost is also low and it is sold at four times higher price than normal wheat.

Also read: How farmers can get good yield by timely management of wheat crop.

How is black wheat sown?

The months of October and November are most suitable for cultivating black wheat. There should be plenty of moisture for the cultivation of black wheat. During its sowing, use 60 kg DAP, 30 kg urea, 20 kg potash, and 10 kg zinc per acre in the field. Before irrigation of the crop, apply 60 kg urea per acre for the first time.

Irrigation of black wheat

Irrigation of black wheat is done 21 days after sowing. After this, keep irrigating from time to time according to the moisture. Be sure to irrigate at the time of earbud formation.

What is the difference between ordinary wheat and black wheat?

Black wheat contains high amounts of anthocyanin pigments. Because of this, it appears black. The amount of anthocyanin in it is 40 to 140 ppm. But, white wheat contains only 5 to 15 ppm.

Also read: Is your wheat crop also getting affected by this disease? Do pay attention to the symptoms.

What are the benefits of black wheat?

Anthrocyanin, i.e. natural anti-oxidant and antibiotic, is found in abundance in black wheat, which is successful in eliminating diseases like diabetes, mental stress, knee pain, anemia, heart attack, and cancer. Black wheat has many medicinal properties, due to which it is in great demand in the market and its price is also high.

 Farmers of these areas should produce these 15 varieties of wheat

Farmers of these areas should produce these 15 varieties of wheat

ICAR has identified 15 new varieties of wheat in India. The varieties developed by scientists will increase food grain production in the country. Besides, new varieties of wheat and barley will also be available to the farmers. ICAR and other agriculture related institutions continuously provide information about improved varieties as well as scientific discoveries to farmers for higher yields. Meanwhile, scientists have also identified two new varieties of wheat and one new variety of barley. According to scientists, these newly identified varieties are two high-yielding varieties in the north-western plains. The names of the two identified wheat varieties are HD3386 and WH1402. The identified new wheat varieties have been developed by ICAR-Indian Wheat and Barley Research Institute, Karnal with the help of Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Rajasthan.

Also read: The best varieties of wheat, learn about sowing time, production capacity, etc

Different varieties will give bumper production in different areas

These varieties developed by scientists will increase the production of food grains in India. Besides, new varieties for wheat and barley will also be available to the farmers. Timely sowing of GW547 variety of wheat for irrigated land. Additionally, CG1040 and DBW359 have been identified for unirrigated lands. Let us inform that along with this, wheat varieties DBW359, NW4028, UAS478, HI8840 and HI1665 have been identified for the restricted irrigation areas of the peninsula. Scientists say that the malt barley variety DWRB219 has also been identified for the irrigated areas of the north-west.

Also read: This variety of wheat can be helpful for diabetes and obesity

Researchers from different areas of India participated

According to Dr. Gyanendra Singh, Director of ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal, researchers from different parts of India participated in the All India Wheat and Barley Conference. ICAR has also started the licensing process of newly released varieties DBW370, DBW371, DBW372, DBW316 and DDW55 with Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and private seed companies. The portal for seeds being run by the institute has also been started from September 15.

How can farmers increase their income by growing black wheat

How can farmers increase their income by growing black wheat

Apart from increasing the income of farmers, black wheat cultivation is also very beneficial for health. The health benefits of consuming black wheat are it provides relief to many diseases like cancer, sugar, blood pressure and various other diseases. The main reason for this is that various types of nutrients are present in black wheat. Black wheat has been produced for many years. Additionally, black wheat contains a variety of nutrients. These nutrients include vitamins, minerals, zinc, calcium, iron, potassium, amino acids, copper, antioxidants, fiber and protein etc. 

All these nutrients are present in abundance in black wheat. And black wheat is also considered a complete grain. If a person consumes chapati made from black wheat, he is completely free from diabetes, blood pressure, heart patients, cancer, sugar and many other diseases. In India, black wheat cultivation is mostly in the north-eastern states. This variety gives maximum profit to the farmers in wheat cultivation. 

Benefits of consuming black wheat 
What are the cardiovascular benefits?

If you consume products made from black wheat, you will have significantly less risk of heart disease. Because it helps in maintaining normal cholesterol levels in the body.

Also read : This Rabi season farmers can earn money by growing black wheat

Consumption of black wheat is beneficial in diabetes

Black wheat anthocyanin intensely improves blood sugar and metabolism of diabetic patients. If diabetic patients consume black wheat products regularly, it will prove to be very beneficial for them.

Black wheat is very good for cancer patients

A research on black wheat has revealed that it has anti-cancer properties, which protect health from DNA damage. Also, it prevents cancer cells from spreading.

Learn about the top five advanced varieties of kathia wheat

Learn about the top five advanced varieties of kathia wheat

This top advanced varieties of kathia wheat HD-4728 (Pusa Malvi), H.I. -8498 (Pusa Anmol), HI-8381 (Malav Shri), M.P.O.-1215 and M.P.O-1106 have the capacity to produce up to 6.28 tonnes in a short time. In addition, these advanced varieties have nutrients to fight various types of diseases in wheat.

In our country, farmers cultivate wheat on a large scale, from which farmers get more profits by selling them in the market. If you also want to get the best profits from wheat cultivation, then you can choose kathia species of wheat. Because this species has the ability to give bumper production of wheat. Kathia wheat in India is cultivated in about 25 lakh hectares of area. Kathia wheat has nutrients available to fight various types of diseases. In addition, kathia wheat is better for industrial use.

Also read: How to cultivate black wheat and earn profits

In fact, quick digested dishes like - pizza, spagheti, sevee, noodles, vermicelli etc. are prepared from Semolina (semolina/rava) which is made from it. Due to high disease resistant capacity, there is a lot of demand in the market. In such a situation, today we have brought information about the top five advanced species of Kathia wheat for the farmers, which are cooked and ready in 100 to 120 days. Also, yields up to 6.28 tonnes per hectare.

Five advanced varieties of the following kathia wheat

HD 4728 (Pusa Malvi)

This species of kathia wheat becomes ready in 120 days. The grains of this species are large and bright. From Kathia HD-4728 (Pusa Malvi) species of wheat farmers can produce from 5.42 to 6.28 tonnes per hectare. This species is considered to be an anti -stem and a leave of leaf ocher disease.

Also read: This new variety of wheat will prove to be a great solution for obesity and diabetes

H.I. 8498 (Pusa Anmol)

Farmers can easily produce this species in areas of Bundelkhand in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. This species of Kathia wheat is rich in zinc and iron.

HI - 8381 (Malav Shri)

This species is sowed late. HI - 8381 (Malav Shri) species of wheat can achieve yield from 4.0 to 5.0 tonnes per hectare.

Also read: Farmers of these areas produce these 15 varieties of wheat

M.P.O. 1215

With this species of wheat, farmers can achieve production from about 4.6 to 5.0 tonnes per hectare. The crop of this species is ready for harvesting in a period of 100 to 120 days.

MPO 1106

The M.P.O 1106 species of Kathia wheat becomes completely ready within about 113 days. This species also has the ability to give great yields in irrigated areas. This species of Kathia wheat is produced the most by the farmers of Central India.

Different types of Rust diseases found in wheat crop

Different types of Rust diseases found in wheat crop

After rice, wheat is one of the most important crops grown in India. Wheat is sown in the Rabi season. But for the production of wheat farmers have to go through a lot of difficulties. Mainly farmers have to face losses due to different plant diseases in the wheat crop. There are different types of diseases that wheat crop can catch but the disease that harms the most are rust related diseases. Rust diseases are of three types mainly brown rust,  black rust and yellow rest.

Leaf rust/ Brown rust

Piccinia Recondita Triticeae is the fungus that causes brown rust and is found nationwide in India. This disease begins from the Himalayas and North India and from the Nilgiri Hills in South India and after staying a live in These areas at Travels via air and water to the Planes and
infecting the wheat crop in the plane areas.

Identification: This infection can be identified by the pattern of its growth in the start Orange coloured dots appear randomly on the leaves of plants and gradually these increase and cover the entire leaves, foliage and the stems of the plant. These leaves start to die and hinder the sunlight. This also results in decreased size and weight of the wheat grains. With increasing temperature the colour of these parts on the underside of the leaf turns black and after this point the disease does not expand further. This disease can cause a 30% reduction in the total produce.

Stripped rust/ Yellow rust

It is caused by a fungus called puccinia Striiformis. Symptoms of this infection are the appearance of yellow stripes on the leaf and with time these spread gradually to the entire leaf surface. Yellow powder is also found fallen on the ground in this situation the crop is said to have yellow rust disease. If the infection starts before the tillering stage the crop does not mature. This infection starts from the foothills of the Himalayas and spreads to the northern plains. It decreases with increasing temperature and the yellowness of the leaves goes black. In the central and South India due to high temperatures this disease is generally not found.

Stem rust/ Black rust

It is caused by a fungus called puccinia Graminis Triticeae. It starts in the Nilgiri and Palni Hills and is generally found in the south and Central India. This infection reaches North India at the time of ripening of the crop. This is why its effect is negligible in North India. This disease generally spreads above 20 degree celsius temperature. It's symptoms are the appearance of chocolate colour on the stem and the leaves on the plant. The different varieties of seeds sold in the central and southern part of India are generally resistant to black Rust. But varieties like Lok-1 are prone to infection by Black rest. In recent years new varieties of this fungus U.G.-99 has been found in some African countries.

Controlling the infection

To cure these three diseases farmers should adopt scientific methods to fight Rust. Spraying the following Chemicals as required can control wheat rust disease: Propiconazole(Tilt 25%EC) or tridimefan belitan 25%EC or spraying Techonazole (1ml in 1000L). Fungicides can be spread after 15 days as per the requirement.

 Important role of irrigation to increase the yield of wheat crop in Rabi season

Important role of irrigation to increase the yield of wheat crop in Rabi season

Mustard and wheat cultivation is mostly done in the Rabi season in India. Wheat Cultivation requires four to six irrigations. Therefore farmers should irrigate wheat on scheduled time to increase the yield of wheat. If farmers irrigate wheat on time, then a great yield can be achieved by it. Along with this, what should be taken care of while irrigating. Farmers must also know about this.

It is generally seen that many farmers sow wheat. However, they do not get an expected yield. At the same time, if farmers pay special attention to irrigation along with sowing of wheat, then they get better production. Wheat is a crop that requires a lot of water. However, by using advanced methods of irrigation, a lot of water can be saved in it. Also, spectacular production can also be achieved.

Water consumption in wheat crop 

When the wheat crop will be irrigated, it depends on the amount of soil moisture. If the weather is cold and moisture in the land remains intact, irrigation can be done with delay. On the contrary, if the land is dry, then quick irrigation is required. At the same time, if the weather is hot then plants need more irrigation. In such a situation, irrigation should be done from time to time so that the amount of moisture in the ground remains and the plants can grow better. For a great yield of wheat, its crop requires 35 to 40 cm of water. Farmers can fulfil this at different scheduled times.

Also read: Wheat sowing is completed, government prepared, purchase will start from March 15

Irrigation for wheat crop

In general, 4 to 6 irrigation in wheat crops is quite favourable. It requires 6 to 8 irrigation in sandy land. Light irrigation should be done in sandy soil, which requires 5 to 6 cm of water. Also, deep irrigation is required in heavy soil. In this, farmers should irrigate 6-7 cm. All this irrigation should be done in different stages of wheat plant, so that more benefits can be achieved.

Learn everything there is to know about black wheat, including its speciality.

Learn everything there is to know about black wheat, including its speciality.

Black wheat is grown in the same way as regular wheat is. Black wheat is largely grown in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, and Madhya Pradesh. Its market price is between Rs 7000 and Rs 8000 per quintal. Farmers mostly focus on conventional farming. Meanwhile, farmers have shifted their attention to cultivating black wheat, which may provide high returns.

Black wheat contains 60% more iron than regular wheat. Furthermore, it has a high concentration of anthocyanin, which accounts for the wheat's black colour. Black wheat is also thought to have several health benefits. Black wheat is a nutritious and mineral-rich wheat variety.

What is black wheat?

Black wheat is a seed rather than a full grain that is used as food. The key distinguishing feature of black wheat is that it does not grow on grass like regular wheat. It belongs to the group of quinoa with normal cells. Black wheat is known for its high content of anthocyanin.

Rich in Medicinal Qualities

Black wheat contains antioxidant and antibacterial properties and is considered good for health. Black wheat is grown in the same way as regular wheat, but when the ears reach maturity, they become black. Black wheat flour, when ground, resembles gramme sattu. It is also used in place of flour in a variety of recipes, including biscuits. As a result, market demand is expanding on a daily basis. It protects the body from a variety of ailments while also keeping it healthy.

Also read: Cultivate black wheat this month and earn a lot.

The market price for black wheat

Black wheat is more expensive than regular wheat. Its market price is greater than that of white wheat. The market price for black wheat is Rs 7000-8000 per quintal. This wheat type has shown to be more helpful to farmers. Farmers can get more money from its cultivation. In large cities, black wheat costs Rs 10-12 thousand per quintal.

Learn how black wheat benefits your health

Black wheat has several natural nutrients that are good for one's health. Black wheat contains relatively little sugar, thus it may be taken by diabetics. It also relieves mental stress and other ailments.

Protects from heart disease.

Black wheat is commonly ingested by heart patients because it includes a high concentration of magnesium, which lowers cholesterol. Many heart-related disorders, such as a double heart attack, can arise as a result of an excessive increase in cholesterol. Black wheat can help us avoid all of these difficulties. Black wheat helps the body maintain a normal level of cholesterol.

Also  read: Discover the top five improved kinds of Kathia wheat.

Beneficial for relieving constipation

Black wheat is also used to alleviate constipation. It maintains the digestive system healthy and eliminates gas and constipation from the body. People suffering from stomach problems can ingest black wheat, since it is good for these disorders. The daily ingestion of black wheat supplies the body with a necessary amount of fibre.

Eliminates anaemia (blood deficiency).

Black wheat has a lot of fibre, magnesium, and other minerals. Eat black wheat bread every day. Black wheat eliminates the shortage of blood in the body. It also helps to keep the body's oxygen levels regulated.

Prevents stress

According to study, black wheat might help relieve tension.It can assist you get rid of dreadful problems like stress. Consumption of black wheat is thought to improve and benefit mental health.

Black wheat cultivation has shown to be extremely helpful and profitable, and farmers compete for its seeding. Farmers are willing to pay premium sums for black wheat seeds. Because farmers get more money by growing black wheat. Black wheat is also used to treat a variety of ailments, including eye problems and obesity, as well as cancer.

Detailed information related to wheat cutting machine

Detailed information related to wheat cutting machine

In India, modern machines are being used a lot for farming. Through this, we grow more and more crops and then harvest them. Harvesting crops is also a big task. This requires more time and hard work. 

However, this work can be done easily by using a reaper binder machine for harvesting the crop. This is a machine that is designed for harvesting crops. The Reaper Binder Machine cuts the crop at a height of 5 to 7 CM from the root. It can harvest crops equivalent to 25 laborers in an hour, so it is a handy machine. Reaper binder machines are also used in wheat crop harvesting. It is mainly used in places where compound harvesters and tractors cannot reach. This article provides information about the price of the wheat cutting machine 2024 and the reaper machine. 

Wheat Cutting Machine 2024 / Reaper Binder Machine

It is an agricultural machine, which is used to harvest grain crops. With this machine, work that takes hours is completed in a short time. It cuts the field-ready crop at a height of 1 to 2 inches near its roots, in states or areas where the crop is to be harvested for green fodder. There, reapers use binder machines more than combined harvesters. With the help of this machine, various crops like maize, paddy, moong, gram, wheat, jowar, and millet can be harvested.

Also read: Complete information about Combine Harvester Machine

Types of Reaper Binder Machine

Generally, two types of reaper machines are more popular. In this, the first machine is operated with the help of hand and the second machine is operated by connecting it to the tractor. The hand-operated machine is operated by adding petrol and diesel.

Tractor Reaper Machine

Straw Reaper Machine

Hand Reaper Binder Machine

Automatic Reaper Machine

Walking Behind Reaper Machine

Also read: Harvesting Master Combine Harvester

Reaper Binder Machine Features

The Reaper Machine is very useful for harvesting any kind of crop. This machine also harvests the crop and binds it. This makes it easier to thresh the harvested crop. It cuts both small and big crops with ease. This machine is capable of harvesting one acre of crop in one hour. The work of 25 to 40 laborers can be done by this machine alone. This is an automatic machine, due to which there is no problem with transportation. With this machine, you can easily harvest many crops like mustard, maize, gram, wheat, barley, and paddy.

Direction guidelines from Pusa scientists for Rabi season crops like wheat and mustard

Direction guidelines from Pusa scientists for Rabi season crops like wheat and mustard

Pusa agricultural scientists have put an advisory for the farming of wheat in rabi season. In which they pointed out that those farmers with 21-25 days wheat crops should go with first irrigation within the upcoming 5 days.  After 3-4 days of irrigation, second fertilisers should be put in. According to agricultural scientists, considering the temperature, farmers are advised to sow the late wheat crops as soon as possible. Sowing rates to be kept 125 kilograms of seeds per hectare. It's advanced species are HD 3059, HD 3237, HD 3271, HD 3369, HD 3117, WR 544 and PBW 373.

Must do seed treatment 

Before sowing seeds should be treated with bavistin @1.0 gram or thiram @2.0 gram per hectare. For your knowledge, in farms infected with termites, chlorpyrifos (20 ec) @5.0 litres per hectare should be spread with paleva or in dry farms. The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilisers to be kept is 80, 40 and 40 kilograms per hectare. 

Rarefaction of mustard crops must be done on priority.

Weed control and rarefaction should be done in lately sown mustard crops. Considering fall in average temperature, mustard crops should specially be taken care of for white rust disease. Rotten/fermented dung and potash fertilisers must be used before sowing onion crops in prepared farms in this season. Potatoes and tomatoes are more prone to blight disease because of heavy moisture in the air. That's why, look carefully for crops. In case of symptoms, spray 2gram dithane-M-45 in per litre of Water. 

Farmers should check regularly for leaf feeding insects 

For your interest, farmers who have prepared a nursery of tomato, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. They can show their plants considering the weather. Cauliflower and cabbage family plants should specially be taken care of leaf feeding insects. If they are in large numbers, then spray BT @1 gram per litre of water or sponosade medicine @1.0 ml per 3 litres of water. In this weather, farmers must get rid of weeds with the help of weeding-hoeing practice. Vegetable crops should be irrigated and then fertilisers should be put in.

How farmers should manage stubble remains 

Farmers are advised not to burn the remains (stubble) of kharif crops(paddy). This results in polluting the environment too much. The smog produced by this does not allow complete sunlight to reach crops and farms. It affects the photosynthesis and evaporation in plants which leads to low food production in plants. It also affects the amount of produce and quality of produce. Farmers are advised to mix or dig the remaining paddy stubble in soil, it increases the fertility of soil.